89 research outputs found

    Aplicabilidade do modelo de Roy: uma revisão da literatura de 1980 a 1991

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    The literature was reviewed from 1980 to 1991 aiming to identify studies using Roy`s Model, compare national and international productions, identify the focused area (assistance, teaching, theoretical improvement) and the contribution of the investigations to each of them. Thirty seven publications were found, five by Brasilian authors. This production focuses mainly the assistencial area and then theoretical improvement; finally, the teaching application. The first are about the development of tools and validation of the model. They comprehend aspects related to health and illness, hospital environment and community. As far teaching is concerned, criteria are established to select models to guide the graduation curriculum and strategies are proposed to allow its utilization. In the referencial improvement the efforts aim a specific component of the model as a whole, enlarging it. It remains evident the search for operationalization od the Roy`s Model and its contribution to the nursing practice.Realizamos revisão da literatura no período de 1980-1991, com os objetivos de: identificar os trabalhos que utilizaram o modelo de Roy; comparar a produção a nível nacional e internacional: identificar a área focalizada (assistência, ensino, aprimoramento teórico) e as contribuições das investigações em cada uma delas. Foram encontradas 37 publicações, das quais cinco são de autores brasileiros. Essa produção focaliza primordialmente a área assistencial, vindo a seguir a de aprimoramento teórico. Por último, temos a de aplicação ao ensino. Os primeiros estão voltados para o desenvolvimento de instrumentos e validação do modelo. Abrangem os aspectos da saúde e da doença, do ambiente hospitalar e da comunidade. No ensino, são estabelecidos critérios para seleção de Modelos para guiar o currículo de graduação, e são propostas estratégias que permitam sua utilização. No aprimoramento do referencial, os esforços se dirigem a algum componente específico ou ao Modelo como um todo, ampliando-o . Fica evidente a busca da operacionalização do Modelo de Roy e sua contribuição à prática de enfermagem

    Assistência de enfermagem a portadores de anemia falciforme, à luz do referencial de Roy

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    This study aimed at applying the concepts from Roy's Adaptation Model in order to identify the behaviors (adaptive and ineffective) of patients with sickle cell disease as well as the focal, contextual and residual stimuli that are responsible for such behaviors. Data collection was conducted in the Hemoglobinopathy Outpatient Unit of the University Hospital at the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto School of Medicine. Nine subjects (8 females and 1 male) were investigated. With respect to the physiological aspect, the ineffective behavior of low oxygenation and its outcomes (compromised physical development, sexual retardation hemolysis jaundice, respiratory alterations) were evidenced. Regarding the psychosocial aspects, self-image showed a reduction in self-esteem as the most distinguished behavior; role performance was characterized by occupation change. Considering interdependence, the mother was reported as the most frequent significant "other". Vaso-occlusion was predominantly identified as the causing stimulus for ineffective behaviors. It was verified that the affected physiological function alters other adaptive aspects.Este estudio busca aplicar los conceptos del modelo de adaptación de Roy para identificar los comportamientos (adaptativos e inefectivos) de pacientes portadores de anemia falciforme, así como también como los estímulos focales, contextuales y residuales responsables por estos comportamientos. La recolección de datos fue realizada en la consulta externa de Hemoglobinopatias del HCFMRP-USP. Fueron sujetos 9 pacientes (8 mujeres y 1 hombre). Los resultados evidenciaron, en el modo fisiológico, el comportamiento inefectivo de baja oxigenación y sus consecuencias (desarrollo físico comprometido, retardo sexual, ictericia por hemólisis, alteraciones respiratorias). En el modo psicosocial y considerando el autoconcepto, fue observada la disminución de la auto estima como el comportamiento más destacado; el desempeño del rol fue caracterizado por cambios de ocupación; cuanto a la interdependencia, la madre fue referida como el otro significante más frecuente. Se identificó la oclusión de vasos sanguíneos como estímulo causador de comportamientos inefectivos y se verificó que la función fisiológica afectada altera otros modos de adaptación.O presente estudo busca aplicar os conceitos do modelo de Adaptação de Roy para identificar os comportamentos (adaptativos e inefetivos) de pacientes portadores de anemia falciforme, bem como os estímulos focais, contextuais e residuais responsáveis por tais comportamentos. A coleta de dados foi realizada no Ambulatório de Hemoglobinopatias do HCFMRP-USP. Foram sujeitos 9 pacientes (8 mulheres e 1 homem). Evidenciou-se, no modo fisiológico, o comportamento inefetivo de baixa oxigenação e suas conseqüências (desenvolvimento físico comprometido, retardo sexual, icterícia por hemólise, alterações respiratórias). No modo psicossocial, o autoconceito teve a diminuição da auto-estima como o comportamento mais destacado; o desempenho de papel foi caracterizado por mudanças de ocupação; quanto à interdependência, a mãe foi referida como o outro significante mais freqüente. Identificou-se, predominantemente, como estímulo causador dos comportamentos inefetivos, a vaso-oclusão. Verificou-se que a função fisiológica afetada altera os outros modos adaptativos

    Ensino por competências em enfermagem: interpretações e práticas pegagógias

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    A ação docente tem emergido na prática dos enfermeiros nos últimos anos, mesmo sem formação específica para tal finalidade. Este estudo focalizou dezesseis enfermeiros professores de uma escola técnica, analisando sua prática pedagógica para o ensino norteado por competências. Trata-se de um estudo com abordagem qualitativa, descritivo-explicativo. Os dados foram coletados por questionário e as informações tratadas mediante análise de conteúdo. Os resultados sugerem que apesar de a maioria dos professores já terem tido contato de alguma forma com o ensino por competências, o modelo de formação tradicional que receberam acaba prevalecendo em sua prática. E que o professor é conhecedor de tais formas de trabalho, mas, por convicção e resistência, acaba ensinando da mesma forma com que foi formado

    Ensino por competências em enfermagem: interpretações e práticas pegagógias

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    A ao docente tem emergido na prtica dos enfermeiros nos ltimos anos, mesmo sem formao especfica para tal finalidade. Este estudo focalizou dezesseis enfermeiros professores de uma escola tcnica, analisando sua prtica pedaggica para o ensino norteado por competncias. Trata-se de um estudo com abordagem qualitativa, descritivo-explicativo. Os dados foram coletados por questionrio e as informaes tratadas mediante anlise de contedo. Os resultados sugerem que apesar de a maioria dos professores j terem tido contato de alguma forma com o ensino por competncias, o modelo de formao tradicional que receberam acaba prevalecendo em sua prtica. E que o professor conhecedor de tais formas de trabalho, mas, por convico e resistncia, acaba ensinando da mesma forma com que foi formado

    El contexto de la formación profesional de los agentes comunitarios de salud en Brasil

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    Este estudo objetivou conhecer e descrever o processo histórico da formação dos agentes comunitários de saúde à luz de análises de textos documentais relativos à formação técnica em saúde. Pesquisa documental realizada em documentos normativos, instrumentais existentes nos registros gerenciais e administrativos no Departamento de Atenção Básica, com levantamento bibliográfico nas bases de dados Medline e LILACS de publicações norteadores da política de formação no período de 1986 a 2006 e leitura com análise temática. Atendendo às demandas políticas e econômicas, o agente comunitário de saúde tornou-se profissão em 2002. Teve funções ampliadas e, em 2006, havia mais de 200 mil profissionais no país, atuando sob nova regulamentação com a promulgação da Lei Nº 11.350, que revogou a lei anterior. Concluindo, esse profissional tornou-se um importante elemento na promoção de mudanças no modelo assistencial e fortalecimento da atenção básica.The purpose of this study was to investigate and describe the historical development of the professional education of community health agents by analyzing documents related to technical education in the health area. Documental investigation of normative and instrumental documents within the managerial and administrative records of the Primary Care Department was carried out with a literature survey in the Medline and Lilacs databases of sources that guided educational policies between 1986 and 2006, as well as theme analysis reading. In response to political and economic demands, the profession of community health agent was established in 2002, with subsequent increases in attributions. In 2006, over 200 000 professionals were active in Brazil with their role regulated by Federal Law 11,350, which superseded previous legislation. In conclusion, community health agents have become an important element in promoting changes to the care model and strengthening primary care services.Este estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar y describir el proceso histórico de la formación profesional de los agentes comunitarios de salud, mediante el análisis de documentos relativos a la formación técnica en salud. Es una investigación documental realizada en documentos normativos e instrumentales en los registros administrativos y de gestión del Departamento de Atención Primaria, con investigación bibliográfica en las bases de datos Medline y LILACS, de publicaciones orientadas a la política de formación profesional, en el período de 1986 a 2006, y de lectura con análisis temático. En respuesta a las demandas políticas y económicas, el agente comunitario de salud se convirtió en profesión en 2002. Sus funciones fueron ampliadas, motivo por el cual, en 2006 ya había en Brasil más de 200 mil profesionales trabajando según el nuevo reglamento: la Ley 11.350, que revocó la ley anterior. El agente comunitario se convirtió en un elemento importante para la promoción de cambios en el modelo asistencial y el fortalecimiento de la atención primaria en salud

    Situação do pênfigo foliáceo endêmico em Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil, 1990-1999

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    Com o objetivo de caracterizar epidemiologicamente o pênfigo foliáceo endêmico, investigaram-se 307 casos. A patologia predominou no trabalhador rural na faixa de 10 a 42 anos. Verificou-se maior incidência em dezembro, janeiro, fevereiro, março e maio (média de 30,7 casos anuais). Os achados evidenciaram um corredor coincidindo com o divisor de águas do estado.Este estudio identificó a 307 casos para caracterizar epidemiológicamente pénfigo foliáceo endémico. La enfermedad predominó en trabajadores rurales, con edad entre 10 y 42 años. Los niveles de incidencia fueron mayores en Diciembre, Enero, Febrero, Marzo y Mayo, con un promedio de 30,7 casos anuales. Los hallazgos mostraron un corredor, coincidiendo con el divisor de agua del Estado.307 cases were examined to characterize epidemiological aspects of endemic pemphigus foliaceus. The disease was predominantly identified in rural workers between 10 and 42 years old. Incidence was higher in the December, January, February, March and May (average: 30.7 cases/year). Our findings identified a corridor, coinciding with the state watershed

    Corporate memory in the lean context. Preventing short- and long-term information loss

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    A large part of the information necessary for an organization to function is stored exclusively in people's memories. This applies to two different kinds of information - short-term information related to daily operations in the shop floor as well as long-term accumulated knowledge and expertise. In the present article we propose several solutions for preventing short- and long-term information loss in an industrial setting. We analyze information loss and its consequences at an automotive component factory in the North of Portugal. For the short-term information loss, we propose lean tools such as gravity flow racks, kanban and andon screens. For long-term information loss, we propose the implementation of mentorship programs, the creation of a knowledge repository based on wiki technology and the use of explanatory labelsPortuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) within the Project Scope UID/CEC/00319/2019 (ALGORITMI Center

    Effectiveness of Phenylketonuria Diagnosis in The Neonatal Treatment Reference Service

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    Phenylketonuria is an inborn error of metabolism of autosomal recessive inheritance, with partial or total deficiency of the phenylalanine hydroxylase hepatic enzyme, which converts L-phenylalanine into tyrosine, thus causing accumulation of phenylalanine at the brain and serum level, interfering in the brain protein synthesis and entailing serious deficits. The objective of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of Phenylketonuria Diagnosis in the neonatal treatment reference service. This is a cross-sectional, analytical study with a quantitative approach, documented with retrospective data collection. Sociodemographic data, diagnosis, onset of treatment and the coverage rate analysis were grouped on a quadrennial basis. The sample consisted of 14 patients, from whom 57.1% had records of birth and collection time. In variable days of life, 28.6% were screened within the recommended period, 71.4% were diagnosed up to one month of life and 1 case at 3 years of age, for the onset of treatment (14.3%). The ideal collection would be performed up to 30 days of life. The lowest coverage rate for quadrennial was between 2014-2017 with 84.3%, with an incidence of 1:21,933. In conclusion, we highlight the need to optimize the neonatal screening service in order to make early diagnosis, begin specific treatment and minimize or eradicate irreversible sequelae

    Covid-19 in adolescent patients in the Brazilian population with sickle cell anemia: A Review

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    Introduction: Sickle cell anemia due to recent scientific evidence suggests that individuals with disease are considered a risk group and SARS-CoV-2 and spreads rapidly in this group of patients with diseases due to lack of inherited immunity, has a high lethality rate among young people and children and patients with associated comorbidities such as Diabetes Mellitus. Objective: to analyze the profile of patients with sickle cell anemia and their immunological motivations for worsening in positive cases of COVID-19 from a systematic review. Results: Initially, 217 articles were identified, of which 213 were removed because they were not related to the theme of the review, or because they were duplicated or did not have the abstract. The 04 selected articles were classified into two thematic axes to be performed the analysis. Discussion:  This systematic review study is the first with sickle cell anemia and COVID-19 in the adolescent population with a limited resource configuration that shows the inherent need in the management of both diseases. However, in this systematic review, the four included studies showed a favorable evolution of the infectious process by COVID-19, and deaths occurred in adolescent patients who concomitantly had multiple comorbidities, for example, DM. Conclusion: It was found in this systematic review study that COVID-19 infection may accentuate the presence of vasculopathy in patients with sickle cell anemia and may increase pain to varying degrees

    Epidemiological profile of donors and recipients of human milk in a reference milk bank

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    OBJECTIVE. To describe the epidemiological profile of donors and recipients of a Human Milk Bank at a referral hospital in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul. METHODS.  This is a descriptive cross-sectional study with retrospective data from the Milk Banks Network system and secondary data from medical records of a tertiary public hospital, between January and December 2017. Descriptive statistics was performed using the Statistic Package for Social Sciences (SPSS®), version 25.0. RESULTS. In 2017, 383 human milk donors were registered, totaling a volume of approximately 614 liters of donated milk. Of this total, 88.51% donors lived in the city of Campo Grande, state capital; 56.40% reported no paid activity; the mean age was 27.45 years; and 79.63% had prenatal care in the public network. Of the 149 recipients, 71.1% (n = 106) were premature with a median gestational age of 34.00 weeks (minimum 21.00 and maximum 42.00); and birth weight with a median of 2225.00 (minimum 660.00 and maximum 5230.00). Also, 61.1% (n = 91) of the recipients weighed less than 2,500 grams and were distributed in: extremely low weight 0.7% (n = 1); very low weight 11.4% (n = 17); low weight 49.0% (n = 73); and normal weight 38.9% (n = 58). CONCLUSION: The donors are young women who had support from the Unified Health System for the prenatal assistance. Among human milk recipients, 61.1% are premature babies weighing less than 2,500 grams
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